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The Indwelling Light
Some say we are living in an age of anxiety. Regardless our beliefs, there are so many triggers to make us anxious. We probably wish it would go away, but for most of us, just wishing it would go away generally does not change anything. Maybe you know why you are anxious, maybe you do not, but you know you don't like it and you want it to go away. Here is something you can do about it in the moment.
Find a comfortable surrounding that is quiet and peaceful. It could be your favorite chair or in your garden. A park is nice; even the beach. I love my garden. Sometimes I do it while taking a hot bath. Regardless of the space, the first thing to do is to close your eyes and notice your breath as it fills you and as you exhale. Just breathe for a few minutes. At a certain point, you will notice that your breath has a
natural rhythm. As you allow breathing without trying to control it, you will begin to relax. It will take you more or less time, depending on you because you are accessing your personal connection to Sprit. With your eyes closed, you will "see" what appears to be thousands of tiny lights moving and flashing. These tiny lights are bio-photons. They are intelligent manifestations of God-energy, the stuff of life itself. You are observing this energy flow in vibrant color, coursing through you and connecting you with Itself.
Now just meditate on this as you say aloud: "There is a light inside me that I can use for Good".
Repeat this three times as you continue noticing your breath, breathing in and out, letting all the thoughts pass. Now notice the sounds you are hearing and fragrances you breathe in as you continue this process. You may even hear something speak to you, often referred to as the still small voice inside. It is the living presence of the Christ. The sounds, light and fragrances which are now flowing in and out of your being are connecting with your soul, mind and body, and as your awareness of this expands, you become more relaxed, and you may feel your body melting into this state.
Now, say the syllable "Om" as you exhale and then breathe in. "Om" is the beginning of the ancient Buddhist Prayer of Compassion, "Om Mani Padme Hum." This prayer is asking for compassion and love for all sentient beings. You are breathing in all that is, and breathing out Love, Joy and Peace for all. As you do this, your body, mind and soul are responding to the healing energy inside you that is receiving, emitting and responding to your breath. Continue reciting "Om" as you exhale and inhale.
When you are ready, place a hand over your heart area. You will feel energy in between your hand and your heart, and it most likely will feel warm or hot. It can have a magnetic quality as the hand and the heart connect. It feels really good. You might perceive that connection as a living energy ball, full of healing light and ready for you to use for your Good. You can even move this cosmic fireball anywhere in your mind, body and soul. You can move your hand to an area of discomfort or you can do it virtually, imagining that you are moving the light ball wherever you feel it is needed.
For instance, you may be worried about a job that you want, but you are doubting yourself, and you become anxious to some degree. Next thing you know, your stomach feels funny. Just move that light down to your stomach. and allow that energy to comfort that area. By doing this, you begin focusing on something other that what is making you feel bad. Now you are feeling better and perhaps you are able
to know that you are supported and loved. You know that even if this job doesn't work out, another, perhaps an even better one, is waiting to be revealed.
The feeling of anxiety can be overwhelming. You can do this simple healing meditation whenever the feeling of anxiety seems to take over your being. Just close your eyes and breathe in the prescribed manner. Just breathing consciously like this will bring you relief, but even better, when you take the next steps which take you to a deeper level, you will emerge feeling more balanced, less stressed, and you will notice and sense the changes as soon as you open your eyes.