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"When you surrender completely to God as the only Truth worth having, you find yourself in service to all that exists. It becomes your joy and recreation. You never tire of serving others." ~ Gandhi

Sacred Service is the Spiritual Practice of Volunteering and sharing your unique God-Given Light, time and talent.  Volunteering is a heart-opener and it is the heart of Spiritual Practice.  Giving back is an important part of living a balanced spiritual life and every volunteer impacts something and/or someone in a positive reflection of God’s Light and Love.


When you give your service and time, you magnify God and whatever the service, you make a difference.  What’s more important your Sacred Service is a connection to something much bigger than you imagine and it ripples and resonates to many others.



Ahiah Center for Spiritual Living is ever-grateful for the many, many people who lovingly share their heart, their gifts, their time and their talent to raise the offerings and services at our Center.  We are a non-profit business, (Yes, Every Church is still a business!) and our office support is provided by 2 part-timers.  It is a community of people that keep our doors open and our business thriving.  Together, we fulfill the vision to serve God’s people.  Our office operates with only 2 part-timers and their load is lifted by those who step up in so many areas to assist. Our Spiritual Community would not be here if it were not for those who lovingly serve and volunteer. We are a community of people committed to our purpose and vision to serve with passion and compassion.  It is an honor and privilege to be supported and connected with the community of volunteers at our Center.  Together, we make a mighty team!


There are many opportunities to serve at Ahiah Center for Spiritual Living Pasadena.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Milton Hunt, Trustee and Director of Volunteers at 626-221-0605, or Lava Bai, RScP in the Ahiah office at 626-795-4216, or sign up at the Happenings Table in the Fellowship Hall or click the "SIGN UP HERE" button to be a part of our Volunteer Team.


When you volunteer, you make a difference!


Experience the joy of "Volunesia"!  It's that incredible sensation when

you realize you are making a positive change for someone, but it also

creates an amazing feeling of purpose and Divine Intention.


Your interests, gifts and talents can be matched with one of our very

special Volunteer Service Teams.  Take a look at the list and feel free

to lift your sails in service to our Center in one or more categories.

We thank you for reading down this far to learn more about how we

can be of service to one another.


Administrative and Office

(Marcia Bradshaw, RScP and Harris Silcott)


Focus: Helps Sr. Minister & Staff with office matters.


Beautification – Interior

(Lava Bai, RScP)


Board of Trustees

(Mindy Morrison, President)



(Peter Bedard, RScP &  Jacqui Owens, RScP)


Building, Facilities, Grounds and Parking

(Troy Mitchell and Milton Hunt)

Focus: Keeps our landscaped areas looking great, including planting flowers, weeding and trimming bushes; from March through October.


Community Outreach Team

(Nancy Johnson)

Focus: Plans and carries out our community outreach activities: School Supplies Drive in July/August, Adopt-A-Family gifts in Nov/Dec, and Food Bank Drive/Clothes Pantry several times throughout year.


Education Ministry – Adults

Assist with printing class workbooks, notices and sign-ups for new classes.


Education - Youth

Focus: Teach children on one Sunday per month. Lessons, craft materials and training are provided. Volunteers receive a CD of that day’s service.


Education -  Teens

(Lava Bai, RScP and Jazz Johnson)

Focus: Facilitate Ahiah Teen sessions on one Sunday per month. Lessons, craft materials and training are provided. Volunteers receive a CD of that day’s service.




Graphics and Design

(Harris Silcott)



​Hospitality Team

(Nancy Johnson, Nancy Williams)

Focus: provides maintenance of our center including weekly set-up of snacks after service and cleaning services and special event follow-up.


Kitchen Compliance

(Nancy Johnson, Nancy Williams)

Focus: Coordinates set-up, usage, supplies and compliance of Ahiah's main kitchen, including weekly set-up of snacks after service and cleaning services; special event follow-up


Live Streaming and Video

(Harris Silcott)


Marketing, Publicity and Social Media Team

(Harris Silcott, Peter Bedard)

Focus: Identifies and develops initiatives in strategic areas that work within the resources and annual budget to share the CSL message based on the mission, vision, core values, and objectives as outlined.


Music Ministry

(Chris Glik, RScP)

Focus: To assist the Center for Spiritual Living’s Music Director in identifying music that reflects the values and beliefs set out by Ernest Holmes and United Centers for Spiritual Living.


Pastoral Care Ministry

(Barbara Bruner)

Coordinate communication, condolences and care for the sick and home-bound.  Send flowers, cards and provide visiting services.  Coordinate information with Ministry of Prayer team.


Social Activities

(Annette Spence)

Focus:  Coordinates off-campus activities and travel for Ahiah Out and About; Ahiah Youth & Family; and other groups as needed.



(Gloria Roberts)


Special Event Team - In House

(Nancy Johnson, Nancy Williams)

Focus: Plans, announces, and does set-up/take-down for congregational social activities and decorates church for special occasions. These include: Annual meeting in March, Picnic in the Summer, the Congregational potluck lunch in Fall, and the Holiday Potluck lunch in December.

Tech Team


Ushers and Greeters

(Rev. Scott)


Youth and Family Ministry


Volunteer Coordinator - Hospitality

(Nancy Williams)

Focus: Oversees all the volunteer Hospitality team and interfaces with the Facilities and Office liaison regarding activities and Special Events.


Welcoming Team

(Gloria Roberts)

Focus: Chat with newcomers after the service and invite them to stay for coffee and Early Bird Café Fellowship.  Distribute New Visitor Packets.

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