To hear a pre-recorded inspirational message and prayer call our office at 626-795-4216 option 7 or click the play button below

2024 Ahiah Practitioners: (l-r):
Rev. Michael (Sr. Minister), Marcia Bradshaw; Myrna Hawthorne, Yvonne Hyde, Lisa Ortiz, Kelly Metcalf, Rev. Nicole (Asst. Minister) Jacqui Owens, Chris Glik, Patricia Roach, Alan Wellman.
Absent: Peter Bedard, Alfajiri McDonald; Lake Payne, Harris Silcott, Frederick Southern.

Comprehensive Training
Ahiah Practitioners are licensed with Centers for Spiritual Living to practice professionally, and are bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy. The process to become a Practitioner requires extensive training and spiritual development. Licensed Practitioners are required to meet specific standards, guidelines and continuing education criteria to renew their license every two years. Practitioners are trained to see and reveal the Spiritual Truth in all situations. By invoking Affirmative Prayer, Meditation and Spiritual Practices, Practitioners inspire connection to our true and unique God-Centered self. AHIAH Practitioners bring a wealth of experience and training to serve the best and highest good for our Center and the Community. Throughout their training, Practitioners learn to expand their gift of clarity so they are able to see and reveal the Spiritual Truth in all situations. To become a Licensed Practitioner, students must complete a series of prerequisite classes prior and be approved by their Minister to enter the rigorous two-year Professional Practitioner Training program. Upon completion of the Program, the student is required to pass a comprehensive written exam, followed by an in-depth interview with a panel of Ministers and/or Practitioners from surrounding communities.

Practitioners and the Gift of Selfless Service
“Our compassion and acts of selflessness take us to the deeper truths.” - Amma
Ahiah Practitioners give back to the Center in time, talent and treasure. Each Practitioner assists/volunteers selflessly in service. Their contributions help to maintain and inspire harmony and balance in the Center and for the congregation. Whether behind the scenes, or front-and-center on the pulpit, their example of the Gift of Selfless Service.
Ahiah’s Practitioners are our prayer emissaries and the “Lighthouse" of our Center. They are trained in the study of the Science of Mind, and in the art, science and skill of Affirmative Prayer. Ahiah Practitioners are a reflection of Love and Light that supports the Center, congregants and Community in every aspect of their professional career. They are also extensively trained to provide spiritual direction and create sacred, confidential, safe, private sessions of soul-searching; spiritual excavation for metaphysical well-being. To earn the title of Licensed Practitioner (RScP), candidates complete a minimum of 2 years prerequisite training. Licensed Practitioners are required to continue their education in related areas of spiritual study, and in particular the Science of Mind.
Aligning and Revealing Spiritual Truth
Practitioners invoke the power of prayer by revealing the Truth of what is always there and available to you, but may sometimes be simply hidden behind confusion or emotional pain. Just as a doctor, nurse or therapist provides treatment for discomfort in the physical body, our Spiritual Practitioners practice the art of Affirmative Prayer (also referred to as Scientific Prayer or Spiritual Mind Treatment) to treat the discomfort in the mind and intellect that has been impacting the spiritual and physical body.
Thinking of becoming a Science of Mind Practitioner? Check out our classes page for info!

Practitioner's Service is Sacred Service:
Prayer support before and after the services
Prayer support for the Ministry of Prayer
Making visits to congregants at hospitals and care facilities
Supporting funeral and memorial services
Meditation Services
Teaching and assisting in classes
Holding the "High Watch" at important functions
Spiritual “Check Up from the Neck Up”
Sacred Ceremonies and Rituals
Facilitating in-house ministries and groups
Assisting with Pulpit Duties during services
Private and Group Practitioner Sessions
How can I access a Practitioner?
Practitioners are available on Sundays to pray with you after service and on Wednesday evenings during and after the Healing Circle. They are also available by appointment for private sessions and spiritual guidance on a fee basis. Practitioners are bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy. A professional, Licensed Practitioner is trained, compassionate, confidential and clear. Your Practitioner will pray with you and keep you in a loving consciousness of prayer to support you on your spiritual journey. When in session with your Practitioner, your sacred time will be open for you to explore and discover hidden truths. You will have revelations beyond your anticipations and throughout the process you will find yourself expanding in your heart-center and deepening in consciousness.

Licensed practitioners conduct their own professional practices, and their fees may vary. The fee is not for prayer, but rather for the Practitioner’s professional services which encompass their respective time, training, skills and professional knowledge of spiritual principles and practices. These qualities are life-enhancing and life-changing. Fees are established at the time of the meeting, and financial arrangements can be made, so be encouraged to experience a session with a Practitioner. And remember, at Ahiah, new members always get a free “Check Up from the Neck Up”! A session with a Licensed, Spiritual Practitioner provides a safe, nurturing environment for you to explore your spiritual practices and current beliefs that you would like to improve. You are provided with the opportunity to co-create a "new" thought in your life that allows you to change your thinking and change your life!
Click one of the buttons below to get in contact with Ahiah's office or with one of our many capable practitioners!
Sends your request and information to our office. Practitioner contact information can be found here
What is the Ministry of Prayer?
The Ministry of Prayer at Ahiah Center for Spiritual Living Pasadena, also known as the MOP Team is comprised of the Minister, Assistant Minister, and Associated Ministers, Licensed Practitioners, and our Prayer Practitioners that include Retired Practitioners, Inactive Practitioners and Practitioners in Training. While the Retired, Inactive or Practitioner in training is not licensed, and therefore not eligible to teach or charge for sessions, they are most certainly an active member of our Spiritual Community and therefore Our prayer list is continually updated and every Ahiah Prayer Emissary is actively praying on your behalf – with you and for you.
The members of the Ministry of Prayer participate in other activities including holding “High Watch” vigil during service; providing the Sunday Celebration Welcome, leading the Invocation, Announcements and facilitating the Meditations. They follow up with the Prayer Requests to confirm if there has been a demonstration of the request – or if additional pray is needed.

We wish to acknowledge the amazing gift of Love and Light that God shared with our Center. These beautiful spirits have moved on to another journey, but their impact and influence of their example is still most keenly felt. We are grateful for the time we had with them and we feel their absence.