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For Something, Against Nothing
On January 10th, Rev. Scott Olson quoted Ernest Holmes’ Sermon by the Sea in the Sunday morning talk. “Find me one person who is for something and against nothing, who is redeemed enough not to condemn others out of the burden of his soul, and I will find another savior, another Jesus and an exalted human being.”
Though I try, I haven’t been able to live by this concept 100% of the time. The events at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month certainly tested my relationship to this principle. However, I use this quote as a guiding principle for my life. I recognize that when I spend my attention on anger and frustration towards people I disagree with, that time could have been better spent on lifting up the voices and communities of those I support.
Instead of judgment, I do my best to advocate for equality and speak my truth. I choose to honor my own healing journey around race-based hatred and violence. At the same time, I focus on operating from unconditional love. At the top of 2021, I launched the #BestDayEverMovement on social media.
As part of the movement, I post a video on Instagram every day of how I live each day expecting to have the best day ever, finding the value in every challenge I face. I encourage everyone to share their journey of living in this intention, using the #BestDayEverMovement hashtag on social media posts. More information can be found on the Spirit Uncensored website. Everyone is welcome to sign the pledge, committing to living each day as the best day ever and living by example of being for something and against nothing.