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I'm Upset Because...
Complete the following sentence: “I’m upset because…”
Did you hear the answer? Where did it come from? Was it from outside of yourself? Or did you notice that it was your inner voice that answered the question? I know—it’s a trick question. It’s meant to guide you to the realization that the source of your upset, whatever it may be, comes from within you. It might feel like it’s because of what happened out there, or because of them, the ones who did that. But in truth, it’s not about what happened externally; it’s about what you perceived happened internally.
Furthermore, it’s what you believe happened that causes your upset. As you may have heard me say before, “In this philosophy, we learn that a belief is simply a thought we continue to think.” When we think the same thought repeatedly, it becomes anchored in our consciousness in a way that convinces us it must be true, and we store it in that special part of the brain that holds our beliefs. This is how our suffering begins, driven by countless fear-based beliefs.
A foundation is defined as the underlying ideas or principles upon which something is built. For a house, that might be a concrete foundation supported by iron rebar. For a spiritual being having a human experience, it’s a remembrance of the Divine ideas upon which life is based.
In Science of Mind, one foundational idea we teach is that there is One Mind, and that Mind is perfect, whole, and complete because it is the Mind of the Divine. This One Mind is also our mind, and we can access it through intention, attention, and spiritual practice.
Whenever we are upset, our teachings remind us that the cause is within, not external. When we change our inner world, the outer world changes in response. As Wayne Dyer so wisely said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
So, what is disturbing your peace? Are you willing to reclaim your peace? Are you living in your joy? Are you experiencing the abundance and prosperity of Spirit in all areas of your life?
This week, we began our Prosperity Consciousness team meetings with a Visioning session. As we shared our insights, impressions, and ideas, it became clear that prosperity is about more than just money. It’s more than just sitting in a vault like Scrooge McDuck and hoarding gold. Prosperity is about experiencing joy, peace of mind, wholeness and health in the body temple, loving relationships, mental well-being, freedom from upset, selfless service, and the ability to give from the overflow of life.
I like to say that it’s the joy of “wanting what I have” (gratitude) versus “having what I want” (incessant desire for more).
There is an energy of prosperity consciousness that allows us to attract every good thing while walking in the field of absolute joy.
Is this attainable? Absolutely. It’s the natural outcome of building a foundation of experiential spirituality. This occurs when you practice spiritual principles, and it delivers on the promise of freedom from the bondage of the human mind.
Here’s the part where I share that I didn’t learn about this from a book. Sure, many books have contributed to my spiritual growth, but this learning has come from the laboratory of my own life.
My 26-year journey in this teaching began with the Science of Mind 1 class, now known as Foundations. In this class, I was reintroduced to the foundational ideas that my thoughts are things and that they form my beliefs, which build the house of my life. I rediscovered that my life is the out picturing of my thoughts. These ideas formed the basis for practicing these principles in my life and seeing if they worked for me.
Well, they must work because I’m still practicing them today and teaching what I’ve learned to others worldwide. These practices are like breathing. We don’t say, “I’ve already breathed…” because breathing is continuous. In truth, it’s not even me that’s breathing—the Divine does it for me, just as it does everything else, in partnership with my cooperation with Divine Law.
This is just the outline of the Foundation and the beginning of a new spiritual journey if you so desire.
My invitation is simple: Join me on a 10-week journey to change your life and the lives of your loved ones. You will explore a deeper connection with the Power and Presence within you that goes by many names and responds to them all. You might call it the God of your Own Understanding, but the truth is that contact with this Power within will transform any upsets you have into compassionate self-forgiveness and allow you to live in a state of energized Prosperity Consciousness!
Class starts on September 18th at 6 PM PST. Let nothing stand in your way—allow your intention to guide you. You will open the inner door to the medicine room of Love that is within you.
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