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Time, Talent, Treasure
The Spiritual Practice of Conscious Giving is an invitation to deepen our connection with Spirit and know that Its infinite good is already within us; to give with an open, joyful, loving heart; and grow by stretching our consciousness in the arena of giving.
In the words of Ernest Holmes, “There is an Infinite Law of the Spirit, or Law of Life, which tends to multiply our gifts, because in so doing It multiplies Its own experience, Its own pleasure, Its own fruition.” This quote reminds us that, in giving, we are avenues of Divine distribution, and Spirit experiences the fruits of Its givingness through us. How wonderful is that!
Summit Spiritual Center offers many ways for each of us to explore Conscious Giving. One way of giving is to give your time. We hope you find an area of service that opens your heart, as you share your gift of self with others.
We may expand our understanding of prosperity to take us beyond money alone and truly reflect the abundant nature of Life itself, and our right to live abundant lives by exploring the truth about money and what it stands for in our lives. We have the opportunity to gain freedom from money having power over us through challenging ourselves to give from the heart with love.
Traditionally, tithing is giving 10% of your gross earnings to your spiritual source.
If 10% inspires you then go for it. However, any amount that stretches you and makes you examine and move through your beliefs around lack and limitation is the percentage with which we encourage you to begin your tithing practice. If that is 5%, 8% or 20%, it is yours to take into prayer to know the right amount for you.
Be sure to consider not only where you are giving to, but where you are giving from. One thing that is absolutely necessary: whatever the amount, it must be given with love. If a tithe is given with underlying motives of trying to get more - then you will not experience the gifts and freedom of this amazing practice.
We teach that tithing is not a practice we should do out of a sense of obligation, but something we choose to do out of a generous spirit of love and giving. We promote the message that your tithe is to be given freely and joyously to whatever feeds you spiritually. Most importantly tithing is a demonstration of faith that God is our source of abundance.